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Name: Carmen. Y
Sex: Female
Know for: Girlish, Loveable, Formal
Started in the Business: 2008
Designed Brands: Petsland
Favorite Dogs: Pekingese

Name: Fei. C
Sex: Female
Know for: Casual, Functional
Started in the Business: 2006
Designed Brands: Petsland
Favorite Dogs: Schnauzer

Name: Helen. C
Sex: Female
Know for: Casual
Started in the Business: 2006
Designed Brands: Nike
Favorite Dogs: N/A

Name: Jay. Y
Sex: Male
Know for: Street Fashion, Sexual
Started in the Business: 2007
Designed Brands: Petsland
Favorite Dogs: Schnauzer

Name: Joyce. L
Sex: Female
Know for: Denim, Vintage
Started in the Business: 2006
Designed Brands: Petsland
Favorite Dogs: Schnauzer

Name: Kalyane. W
Sex: Female
Know for: Unisex
Started in the Business: 2005
Designed Brands: Petsland, Tesco, Algos, Sainsbary, Asda
Favorite Dogs: Terrier and Husky

Name: Kelt. C
Sex: Female
Know for: Formal, Functional
Started in the Business:  
Designed Brands: DKNY
Favorite Dogs:  

Name: Shock. L
Sex: Female
Know for: Girlish, Loveable
Started in the Business: 2006
Designed Brands: Petsland, Borior
Favorite Dogs: Pomeranian